Terms and Conditions for $1500 fee for DUI representation
1500 fee includes an initial consultation, filing an appearance, filing a motion for discovery, filing a petition to rescind statutory summary suspension, complete review of all discovery tendered by the State by the attorney, one meeting with the attorney to review discovery in the attorney’s office, the attorney’s advice on what the best strategy to handle the case is, negotiation of any plea agreement with the State, representation for any sentencing hearing on the case, and, if needed, participation in a 402 conference with the judge.
1500 fee also includes the attorney (or one of his attorney representatives) being present and representing the client at three court appearances. If the case is continued beyond three court appearances due to no fault of the attorney, additional attorney’s fees will apply.
1500 fee also includes representation concerning any accompanying petty offenses that the arresting police officer also charged the client with when he/she was charged with the DUI. However, the fee does not include any additional misdemeanor or felony charges that accompany the DUI charge. Additional attorney’s fees would apply for representation on those additional charges.
1500 fee is for a misdemeanor charge only. If changed with a felony DUI, or if the case is subsequently upgraded to a felony DUI, additional attorney’s fees will apply.
1500 fee does not include any a hearing to contest any statutory summary suspension or revocation filed by the arresting police officer. If the client would like to do a hearing to contest a statutory summary suspension, additional attorney’s fees will apply.
1500 fee does not include representation for a jury or bench trial, any hearing to contest the stop or arrest of the defendant, or a hearing on a motion to suppress any statements or any other evidence the State intends to use against the client. if the client would like to pursue a trial/hearing, additional attorney’s fees will apply.
1500 fee does not include drafting a mitigation letter to the supervising Assistant State’s Attorney. If the client would like that work completed, additional attorney’s fees will apply.
1500 fee does not include a filing of a motion to vacate any plea entered, or an appeal of any sentence. If the client would like that work completed, additional attorney’s fees will apply.